About us

Crooked Tower is a brand new board game company based in London.

Possession, a daemonic card game, is our first exciting project, soon to take Kickstarter by storm!

Crooked Tower is the brainchild of two friends who have been thunderstruck by board games since childhood.

Alberto Federighi-Lucifero was given Hero Quest when he was 6 and, since then, dice, miniatures and rulebooks have been his passion. After having worked for a well-known game company, he started to work on his own projects. Luckily for him, he found a like-minded enthusiast in Antoine Vernet to help bring his vision to life.

Alberto is the game designer and the inventor of the worlds, stories and characters where Crooked Tower’s board games take place. Antoine keeps track of the game design, stops Alberto from going where the buses don’t run and handles all the company number-related bits and bobs.